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Sunday, October 11, 2009

A Child is Coming Into the World!

  Depending on a person's life situation this thought can create elation or fear, joyful expectation or sad anticipation, hope or despair. Nevertheless, we all were that child to our mother and hopefully, our father. Our certain journey to earthly life began. And the thoughts around us began to contribute to our forming. 
  If you read a little in The Secret Life of the Unborn Child you will learn that the child in the womb is experiencing the activities of their mother from the early months onward. There are numerous accounts of the child later in their life remembering sounds and sensations. Those events were formative in the lives of those individuals. `
  This leads me to wonder if protecting pregnant mothers from loud, invasive sounds even food processors, vacuum cleaners, raucous music, movie theaters, etc. is not a first step in giving our unborn children a peaceful beginning. In some European countries there is already an understanding mothers to be and mothers of young children belong not in the work place but nesting, resting and preparing for the most important of tasks on earth-preparing life for our youngest human beings so they might come gently into this earthly realm. 
  Let us be grateful to every father who gives the gift to the mother of their child the possibility to make a quiet, clean, warm-hearted home for the family without the added stress of earning money. Many other fathers wish for this but it is  not within their financial grasp to their dismay. Even this thought is a support for a family for it is offered selflessly with love. 
  The task of raising up the future generation is the most important task we can be given. With humility and self sacrificing love we must choose to embark upon this road.  At first one thinks it is only our own child, a small babe in arms, who is being cared for by us. In a short time we realize the ripple effect of our words and actions as they cascade out into the world through our children to affect everyone with whom the child has contact. 
  I hope that with a few words of encouragement given in this writing and those to come we can learn together how to raise up these future generations who will carry humanity to the next level of human awakening. 
  My immediate personal interest in the future has been stimulated anew by the birth of my first grandchild, a boy, a fortnight ago. He came into the world 1500 miles away after 9 1/2 months of gestation and 3 days of constant labor. He has already given his parents the gift of patient joy. Their tenacity and intuition made his arrival unforgettable. Now we can hold the image of his unique entrance into the world and contemplate how that sets the stage for his future life. 
  Blessings to all parents as they strive to protect, nurture, and fully love the most precious gift anyone can receive. 

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